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Contact List

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Children's Home Care

East Edmonton Health Centre

7910 - 112 Avenue

Edmonton, AB T5B 0C2

Main Phone: (780) 342-4842

Fax: (780) 342-4843

Theresa Winski

Shayna Hallberg (McClarty)

Jennifer Glumpak (Campbell)


Inclusive Learning Services

Newton office

Main phone: (780) 472- 4450

Fax:  (780) 478-7037

Jennifer Innes

Karla Millar

Lynda Schmidt


Parkallen office

Main phone: (780) 431-5489

Theresa Ingeldew Donauer

Bonnie Ho


Centre For Education office

Main phone: (780) 429-8050 

Janine Halayko

Kendra Gratzfeld

Kim Grunling (on maternity leave)


Genesis Early Learning Centre

Edmonton Catholic Schools

Phone: (780) 729-7506

Fax: (780) 638-6844 

Rachel O'Brien


Early Education Program

Mayfield School

Phone: (780) 489-5100 ext. 314

Misbah Quereshi


Elves Special Needs Society

Main Phone: (780) 454-5310

Cheryl Assenheimer


Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

Main phone: (780) 735-7979

Fax: (780) 735-6022

Pam Acheson

Elaine Bragg

Kara Brecht

Lucia Chen

Anita Clarke

Jessica DaCosta

Shannon DeForge

Georgia Diduck

Farrah Hasham

Julia Hockridge, Spina Bifida clinic

Theresa Ingledew-Donauer

Cara Kaup, Pediatric rheumatology clinic

Cam Kennedy, Neuromuscular disease clinic

Adriana Koziak

Barbara Lopetinsky

Joan Mather

Devin McFarlane

Janelle Molzan

Amy Millar

Vance Pilipchuk

Tanya Skitsko,Unit 201 Team Leader

Kelsey Switzer

Michelle Roy

Beth Watkins, Orthopedic Treatment clinic