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Comparison of Family and Therapist Perceptions
Therapists in the study rated activity and family-centred care as the most important foci of treatment. We agreed that activity was very important. Many
therapists in our group were surprised that environmental / assistive technology modification was not more highly rated since we spend alot of time on equipment (walkers, standing frames, adapted
bikes, wheelchairs etc.)
The importance of good communication with parents was stressed in the article. We talked about "not just playing" with infants and young children and how
important it was to explain the goals of your intervention.
Communication style with parents needs to change over the years as the family becomes more knowledgable and more empowered. Different communication styles need
to be used with different families. Goals need to be oriented to family capacity.
The paper recommends sending photos, videos, or written notes of therapy activities home with the child. We discussed how pictures are a "celebration of
growth" and its important to update home programs with recent pictures even if the activities haven't changed. Showing videos to children of their progress is very rewarding. Using
the parents' own smart phones for video of the child is a great strategy as it does not require a consent form to be completed.
After reading this paper, we agreed that additional effort by therapists and increased frequency of communication on the focus of therapy is needed. We felt it
was important to make communciation a priority even when caseloads are busy.